
Darie Dorlus

Founder + Head Of Tech

There are 3 things I want you to always remember about me:

1. I love everything tech
2. I love business development
3. It’s today, and trust me I have never been better #NeverBetter

I enjoy building tech from scratch. Software Engineering is not what I do, it’s who I am. I love helping startups (especially tech) going from idea to MLP (Minimum Lovable Product). And I promise to help you on your next idea. I have been successfully failing at launching startups since 1989 2013; some of which are listed here. I still can’t believe over 70% of small businesses have no online presence. I am on a mission to tear into that percentage.

And of course, now is the absolute best time to be alive #CarpeDiem


Software Engineering
Software Architecture + Design
Mobile Development
Startup Strategy
Product Launch